Friday, December 4, 2020

Why are people so crazy lately?

"Which came first the chicken or the egg?"

Were some people Always crazy or did coronavirus make those people even crazier?

The last times I remember some people being this crazy was the 1950s, the 1960s and the 1970s and just after 9-11 for about 10 years. These were when people were about 1/10 as crazy as some of them are right now.

I was just listening how some people who are Republicans now believe that coronavirus is a partisan plot because mostly Republicans are dying!

This would be like saying: People who run in front of trucks and die is a conspiracy theory that is partisan.

Because basically, if you don't wear a mask ever you are likely going to get coronavirus. This is just a given. It's just basic science (and this is true no matter what you believe).

Even if you worship green cheese that the moon is made of (supposedly) if you don't wear a mask you likely are going to get coronavirus. This is just a fact of life.

However, for many people who don't live by any of the rules of science it is incredibly suspicious.

But, if people beat you growing up (like many I knew in the 1950s when I was a child) and told you that if you went and studied science that you would become a pinko communist and then beat you some more then I guess you understand what is actually wrong with some people psychologically now.

Even though I grew up watching people die in my church because they wouldn't go to doctors (and these were people I loved often as. child) I still understand what is happening to people in small town churches right now whose pastors are saying to them that masks are evil and of the devil or something like that.

So, Why are people so crazy lately?

Some were always crazy and and they and others now have been made even crazier by the coronavirus. So, whether you are scientific and wear a mask or are not scientific and refuse to wear a mask, we all are facing pretty serious psychological (AND PHYSICAL) consequences to whatever we do.

So, to some degree(just like during world war II) we all are a little more crazy than we were about 1 year ago just from all the grief and group PTSD we are all going through trying to survive all this.

Is there any hope?

There is some hope from Vaccines but most people don't understand that you can still get coronavirus for about a month after you get the vaccine because it takes that long while you get fevers and chills the first few days to a week (which show it's working) to get immune. And immunity is different for everyone. So, if you don't get your anti-bodies checked about once a month you won't know if you are still immune (after the first month after getting the vaccine) if you are still immune to the coronavirus still. 

However, there is much more we don't know about the vaccines than we do know which is one reason I would like to see what happens to the first 100,000 people who actually get the vaccine in England now before I make a decision to actually get he vaccine. Also, which vaccine are you going to get of the 2 or 3 versions that will be likely out by January or February 2021? And have you researched enough about that version of the vaccine to know what you are actually getting so you feel safe so you don't think you are going to die when you get it?

Belief is very important whether you get a vaccine or not for everyone. You have to feel confident that the vaccine (whichever one) is going to help you stay alive and not kill you or else why are you getting vaccinated in the first place?

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